This page is intended to aid in keeping all eyes on this situation as our community seeks answers, healing and justice. Every effort is made to be respectful to the deceased. If any family members would like any changes to this page, please email
6/19/22 – Family of man killed by deputy US marshal in Louisville still wants answers
5/26/22 around 6 PM – LMPD releases one of the US Marshals’ body cam video. Please don’t watch it until you’ve read the warnings below. Also, if you don’t believe that you can be gaslit into believing something that isn’t there or missing something that is, watch this.
Murderous Patterns and Practices
On Friday, May 20, 2022, around 8:00 AM, the morning after a VERY REVEALING EXPOSE about corruption in LMPD aired on Vice News, US Marshals attempted a home invasion in Louisville’s “West End,” a predominately Black section of the county. According to our research, an approximately 10-person team of federal agents shot and killed another Black man, 25-year old Omari Cryer, also known as “Big K” or “Fredo.” He was shot three times, at least once in the back, as he left the home through a side door. According to one livestream from a family member, there was a warrant out for Omari’s arrest, but it is unclear why the US Marshals were called.

Local attorney Steve Romines tweeted the above.
There is still a great deal of confusion about what happened and why, because it took US Marshals a full day to come out with a statement. and conflicting information stated by a woman who said she lived in the home that was invaded. This disinformation could have been the result of intentional gaslighting of the victims, so we should keep all options open while investigations continue. For example, the woman who owned the home stated she was on the phone with her son when the invasion happened. The live stated that he had received a call warning them that they were coming, Another source tells us the two young men, who had similar complexion and hair texture, were in the house together when one of them received a call that his probation officer was coming by to check on him. This prompted Omari to leave out a side door.
When they shot him, they had no idea if they even had the right person! They just fired three shots. Not in an alley, but in a neighbor’s back yard. Regardless, no one should be shot in the back over an arrest warrant. No one!
The VICE News expose that had just aired the night before this shooting (link above) even talks about how these dirty cops will identify their target and then come up with a reason to arrest them. It also acknowledges they’ve been focused less on drugs and more on violent crime. The VICE program also mentions that cops acknowledged since Breonna’s death they have had to stop shaking down houses, and with the passage of variations of Breonna’s Law banning no-knock warrants by Louisville Metro and Kentucky State legislatures, it was exponentially more difficult.
The warrant Omari had out for him was for domestic violence. Our source thinks LMPD got a tip Omari was at his friend’s house, but for whatever reason they couldn’t arrest him there, so they came up with a scheme to shake him out. They pretended they were coming by to check on the friend knowing that would put Omari in play. The VICE show had them under too much scrutiny, so they had US Marshals do it. The Marshal who leads the unit is reportedly a retired LMPD VIPER officer.
Little other information has been released from the police cults, themselves, other than their statement and the announcement that LMPD, “Louisville’s biggest gang” would be investigating. We know that our police cannot be trusted to tell the truth about the crimes their fraternity commits, clues and evidence will be intentionally distorted, so in an effort to help our community hold them accountable, we are collecting information in a central location. If you see something we missed, let us know!
Plug Network Online Released the following Summary:
This neighbor shared live video.
A family member shared this live video.
Chief Shields holds a press event with very little information.
LMPD releases bodycam footage from one of the LMPD officers who was assisting US Marshals in cornering Omari as they chased him over a fence like a dog. Do me a favor and skip the gaslighting that they try to do on you and watch the video first. Decide for yourself what you think you see and what questions you have. Then go back and see what they say and if it matches. I don’t think it does, so I made a video with some of my concerns and questions that don’t match the spin coming out of LMPD.
Don’t think LMPD can’t lie or doctor a story or scene? Read about their lies the night Brian Thurman and Travis Nagdy were murdered. See with your own eyes.
Watch my live where I raise a bunch of questions here:
A witness said he heard three gun shots in succession. The video claims there were only two shots fired, but I swear, my own eyes sees three bullet wounds. Watch the video with the sound off the first time because you cannot always trust what you hear. And sometimes what you hear and what you see don’t match up, as seems to be the case with this video. I would not put it past them to doctor the sound to make it sound like they were trying to save his life when in fact they ignored the obvious chest wound and never plugged the hole until they were sure he had died. One dude even has his hand on his pulse. WTF?
But thinking they should be allowed to investigate their own crime scene and no one can or will stop them is the biggest joke of all. They think we’re stupid! Where is President Biden’s Executive Order stopping investigative units from investigating themselves?
Relevant Articles:
What we learned from the news clips and videos:
The warrant to go into the home Omari was visiting wasn’t signed until 1:37 PM
They came “10-deep” for somebody on probation?
They shot Omari Cryer three times, at least once in the back.
They did not announce themselves. The woman who lived in the house was on the phone with her son.
A witness heard 3 shots, consistent with shots from a single gun.
Omari was shot before 9:00 am. His body lay in the street until at least 1:30 PM.
The incident took place at a house on Sutcliffe Ave, off 34th and Broadway in the Chickasaw neighborhood.
Another Black male, who identifies himself as the victim in the video, claims the Marshals came for him.
The resident of the home that was invaded makes a comment that the warrant she held in her hand “doesn’t even look like her house.”
The LMPD Public Integrity Unit is investigating even though they were partnering with US Marshals to conduct the assassination/arrest.
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Organized crime conducted by “Louisville’s biggest gang” (our own LMPD) is being swept under the rug by our local leaders and the establishment-owned local media. We think a handful of “dirty cops” with ties to the murder of Breonna Taylor and dozens, if not hundreds, of other Black residents at the hands of our local police, retaliated against the Black West Louisville community for “snitching” to this reporter. Just like the gang members they are, they descended upon and murdered a young Black entrepreneur and beloved father of nine the very next morning, after the damning report aired. It’s not their first time they’ve used this well-known “power play” to send a message and “keep everyone in line.” They did something very similar to business owner David McAtee two years ago during the #BreonnaTaylor marches.
DOJ is here doing a #PatternsAndPractices investigation on them and they STILL pull this crap in broad daylight. The dishonest and robotic press conference the new police chief, who resigned from her job at Police Chief in Atlanta after a racist , proves they don’t intend to do anything change the toxic and violent culture. It must be dismantled.
Every time we demand answers or provide damning evidence, they wash over us with gaslighting, most likely funded by Mitch McConnell and the dark money politics destroying our communities. This is the reason we can’t get people elected. Not because we “always vote against our own interests,” but because we are choking on Mitch’s exhaust. Regardless of what Omari Cryer was accused of, he deserved better than to be cornered like a dog and shot three times, at least once in the back, and left to lay in the hot sun for hours. After McAtee, the police chief was warned about the trauma that causes, and she’s sweeping this one under the rug. Why? Because there are so many more violations. We need people looking at evidence while it’s fresh and before they can spin it. Please help us.
This story cannot be buried like they did Breonna’s. We cannot let it. Can you help us get #AllEyesonKentucky?! #LMPDLies